Uluru Nursery & Primary School


Uluru Nursery & Primary School

UN&PS opened its doors  in 2016. The thought behind the establishment of this English medium TEWFI school was to bring a different approach to educating students.  It seems that India’s method of education is rote learning.  Children memorize and then can repeat only what they have memorized in only the exact order.  UN&PS wanted to expand the learning and thinking of their students.  Also, the philosophy is to take the students outside the classroom and expose them to learning beyond books.

We have classes from Kindergarten to fifth standard.

English, Tamil. Hindi and digital/computer learning are part of the core curriculum.

As of the present day we have five teachers.  Our students are from local communities and to increase enrollment we now have students from the next village.  A total of 27 students attend.  After we get approval, the school will expand through 7th standard.  These classrooms have been finished and are ready to be used once the government has approved our school to be recognized.

Components of the School



We are teaching 3 languages to the students, Tamil (Mother tongue) English (official language) and Hindi (National language).

Besides languages, we are teaching Mathematics, Science & Social Science.

We are also having additional subjects like Value Education, Computer Science & General Knowledge.

Digital Teaching

Digital Teaching

To keep interest high and innovative some lessons are taught online via television or laptop. This has been proven that the children learn better. They are curious to know more, stay focused and lessons stay in their mind.

Aid India Program

Aid India Program

This year we have started a new program in English for the children to improve their English skills. This program is conducted by staff from Aid India, Chennai for the  teachers who then teach the children. We started this program in July 2019 and its improving both the teachers’ and students’ English.

Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Children have class in the computer center. The computer staff teach a wide range of computer lessons to the students and then the students practice that day’s lesson on the desktops.

Environmental Education

Environmental Education

The children are  taught to preserve, not to destroy, nature. The  children are also engaged in planting flowers and vegetables. The school stresses the importance of maintaining a clean  environment.

Proud Sponsors of TEWFI

These are some of our proud Sponsors

Call : +91 7639598405 or Email: admin@tewfi.org

Every rupee can make a difference. Every human can change the world.


It  is a form of physical exercise based upon poses that promote control of the mind & body & enhance well-being.


Special Events

The children performed for independence day. The school celebrates all major indian holidays.


Art & Crafts

Children prepare a lot of things in a skillful way by using their hands and their imagination. The children enjoy being creative.


There is always time for snacks and lunch

Snacks are a welcome break from school work. This is also a good time to learn about sharing.


Time is provided for children to run and play a number of games. This keeps the students active and also develops sportsmanship.



Because of the location of the school there is a need for transportation. Most of the students take advantage of using our bus.